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Refix membrane expansion tanks are ideal for drinking and technical water supply systems, as well as for special applications in closed water supply systems. All aquifers are protected from corrosion, and water is stored in rubber pears.

Refix DD
Specially designed for use in individual drinking water supply systems and are ideal for water conservation when used with water heating installations. These tanks are flow-through and equipped with a stainless steel connection in accordance with the ultra-strict requirements of the DIN 1988 standard. The required tee is supplied with a tank. In addition, the tank can be equipped with Flowjet flow fittings (separate order).

Refix DT
Specially designed for use in large systems. These tanks are flow-through in accordance with the ultra-strict requirements of the DIN 1988 standard. A wide range of different connections makes Refix DT suitable for any system.

Refix DE
The main cost-effective solution for use in drinking water supply systems, with water heating installations and hydropneumatic batteries. These tanks are non-flowing. The "DE" model range is equipped with a pear, which is replaceable in models with a volume of 50 liters or more, and is ideal for use in water supply systems with increased requirements for corrosion resistance, for example in brine circulation circuits in pumping units.

Refix DC
The tanks of the "DC" series differ from the "DE" series only by the use of a non-replaceable membrane.

Refix HW
Designed for individual water supply systems. It is equipped with legs for installation on the floor and a mounting eye for installing an auxiliary pump.

Refix WD
Refix hydrodynamic shock compensators, being neither expansion tanks nor buffer tanks, are designed specifically to absorb hydrodynamic shocks in water pipes up to 1/2". They are ideal for installation on water pipes in front of washing machines, dishwashers and combined heating devices.

Refix expansion tanks. Technical description.



All Reflex Winkelmann GmbH products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Reflex Winkelmann GmbH: membrane expansion tanks, pressure maintenance units, vacuum deaeration, separators, recharge and water treatment systems, capacitive water heaters and heat exchangers, software
  • Additional devices Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Additional devices
    storage devices, sumpers, etc.
  • Refix expansion tanks Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Refix expansion tanks
    DD, DT, DE, DC, HW, WD, etc.
  • REFLEX expansion tanks Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    REFLEX expansion tanks
    NG, N, G, S, F, C, etc.
  • Maintaining Pressure Reflexomat Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Maintaining Pressure Reflexomat
    Reflexomat, Compact, etc.
  • Software Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Reflex Pro, CAD files, etc.
  • Longtherm Heat exchangers Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Longtherm Heat exchangers
    small, medium, etc.
  • Maintaining the pressure of Variomat Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Maintaining the pressure of Variomat
    Variomat Giga et al.
  • Servitec (deaeration)  Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Servitec (deaeration)
    25, 30, 35, 60, 75, 95, and others .
  • Separators Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Exvoid T, Exvoid, Exdirt, etc.
  • Fillcontrol Recharge systems Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Fillcontrol Recharge systems
    Fillset, Plus Compact, Auto, etc.
  • Fillsoft Water Treatment Systems Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Fillsoft Water Treatment Systems
    Fillsoft, Softmix, Fillmeter, etc.
  • Storatherm water heaters Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    Storatherm water heaters
    SP, SF, SB/2, SF/2, etc.

About Reflex Winkelmann GmbH

Reflex Winkelmann GmbH is a leading global supplier of solutions used in heat and cold supply systems of buildings. The company has been successfully growing for several decades in this technically complex industry.
  • client orientation

    Thanks to close cooperation, customers get everything they need for effective solutions: consulting, qualified design and full customer support.
  • quality

    The company's goal is to combine unique knowledge and experience, market orientation in the search for solutions and related services.

    In the field of sales and marketing, the priority is to find effective ways of integrated use of all Reflex products.

Information Board Reflex Winkelmann GmbH

Learn more about our products Reflex Winkelmann GmbH.
  • REFLEX catalog марки Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    REFLEX catalog
  • The REFLEX questionnaire бренда Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    The REFLEX questionnaire
  • REFLEX Innovations на сайте Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
    REFLEX Innovations


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